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Module 'Ethics and anthropological research'


5-6 octobre 2017


Ethical and Deontological Think Tank (EDTT) of the Swiss Anthropological Association: Marc-Antoine Berthod Jérémie Forney Sabine Kradolfer Laurence Ossipow Julie Perrin and Anthropology Institute Neuchâtel


Anthony Stavrianakis, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris Dre Nolwenn Bühler, Zürich


Anthropologists face many ethical challenges at all stages of their research work. How to respect and protect the people they interact with during their fieldwork is one of the most obvious issues, however ethics and deontology are already at stake in the choice and definition of research object and questions and remain crucial until the far end of the process of communication and dissemination of the research results. This situation is not new, however, the way the institutional actors and the researchers themselves address it has changed. Guidelines have been produced, ethical committees are gaining importance in the selection of research projects, and formalised and standardized solutions to ethical questions are progressively implemented or requested, especially in regard with scientific publications. This module aims at providing insights and support to the participants in engaging with ethical and deontological questions, dilemmas and involvements in the context of their research. The objectives will be both to clarify the legal and institutional context in which the PhD students have to work and to open wider discussions on the ethical dimensions of their research. The module will alternate discussions of the papers submitted by the students and wider exchange and debates on the topic of research ethics.


La Rouvraie, Bevaix NE



Deadline for registration 07.10.2017
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