This "Repro Walk&Talk" Workshop is a unique opportunity for PhD students working in reproductive studies to discuss their projects with Prof. Sarah Franklin. In this workshop, we define reproduction in a broad sense, encompassing research relating to fertility, reproductive technologies, birth, parenting, and kinship. Taking inspiration from Amsterdam and Copenhagen, this workshop uses movement to set our thoughts free and work through knotty questions by engaging with each other and with Prof. Sarah Franklin during an (easy) hike and over lunch near Lake Zurich.
Sarah Franklin is an anthropologist and the director of the Reproductive Sociology Research Group at the University of Cambridge. She has written and edited numerous books on reproductive technologies and biology, bringing together gender studies and science studies. Over her career, she has been a generous and uplifting mentor to numerous early career researchers in reproductive studies.
The main goal of this workshop is to allow participants to receive inputs and feedback from Sarah Franklin and each other in an informal setting. Theoretical and methodological questions relating to studying reproduction could be discussed, but also publication or career strategies.
Each participant will be asked to send a short (half-page) description of their project and formulate one concrete question they would like to discuss. On the day of the workshop, each participant should be prepared to present their research project in 5 minutes ("elevator pitch") and to pose the question they would like to have input on from Sarah Franklin and the other participants.
The workshop will take place the day before the opening conference of SwissRepro (a new research network in reproductive studies) in Zürich. Participants of the workshop are most welcome – but not required – to participate in the conference. |