PhD students

224 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Domain Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
ADJEI ARTHUR Susanna IHEID E‑Mail Becoming 'Relevant': an Ethnography of Graduate Experience in Ghana Professor Anna-Riikka Kaupinnen
Professor Kristen McNeil
ADOMAKO Kwaku UNIL E‑Mail Translating communities: How LGBTI* advocates in transnational advocacy networks shape national social and political landscapes Sébastien Chauvin
Claire Somerville
AFRIYIE Felicia UNIBE E‑Mail What more is there to know? Examining the Nexus between Indigenous Knowledges and Development Organisations Prof. Stefan Leins
AFSARY Alexandra UNIL E‑Mail Anthropologie, études genre Une responsabilité contraceptive incorporée : socio-anthropologie du genre, des expériences et des pratiques ordinaires de contraception en Suisse romande Irene Maffi
Marta Roca Escoda
AGYEKUM Samuel UNIBE E‑Mail Sustainable Urban Green Commons Governance in Intricate Land Tenure Systems Prof. Dr. Jean-David Gerber
Prof. Dr. Julien-Francois Gerber
AHOYA Nicole UNILU E‑Mail Transformations of healthcare provision and planning in the digital age in Kenya Prof. Sandra Bärnreuther
AKCINAR Mustafa UNIZH E‑Mail Development and Trust in Upper Mesopotamia Prof. Peter Finke
Prof. Heinz Käufeler
ALBISSER Isabelle UNISG E‑Mail Politics of Affects in 'Immigrant Integration' Prof. Dr. Christa Binswanger
Prof. Dr. Chris Steyaert
ALEMAN Serjara UNIL E‑Mail Anthropology Prof. Monika Salzbrunn
Dr. Gretchen Bakke
ALFREDO Ambre UNIBAS E‑Mail Precarious Urbanisms in Coastal Africa (PRECURBICA) - Cotonou (Benin) Prof. Dr. Jon Schubert
Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers
ALTUNBULAK Aylin UNIBE - Queering spaces under political authoritarianism. Resistance and performances in Turkey Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser
ALVARADO GREFA Lisa UNIBE E‑Mail Convivial Constitutionality: Human-Jaguar Interrelations in Colombia Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller
Robert Fletcher
ANABTAWI Khaled IHEID E‑Mail Anthropology and Sociology. (Political sociology, political anthropology). Construction of sectarianism in settler colonialism context (the case of Palestine) Professor. Riccardo Bocco 2024
AUBERT Baptiste UNINE E‑Mail Après la ville-usine : recherches sur les différentes mises en récit du passé industriel textile dans la ville de Verviers (Wallonie). Mme Ellen HERTZ WERRO not known yet
AYAZ Atak IHEID E‑Mail Digging for Moral Economies in the Vineyards of Turkey
BACCHETTA Jean UNINE E‑Mail Libre évolution et réensauvagement, un pas en arrière vers le futur: Recherche anthropologique sur les nouvelles politiques de conservation de la nature Alexandre Aebi ND
BACHRIOKTORA Yudi UNIBE E‑Mail Land conflicts and forest governance in Indonesia Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj
BASKI Márta UNISG E‑Mail Productive families and capable mothers: un/deservingness in Hungarian family policies Jelena Tošić
Violetta Zentai
BASSETT Pambana UNIBE E‑Mail Political Ecologies and Intersectionality in Ghana's Urban Commons Dr. Jean-David Gerber
Dr. Akosua Darkwah, Dr. Deniz Ay, Dr. Miriam Tola
BEGEYEVA Gulzhan IHEID E‑Mail Muslim charity networks in Central Asia Till Mostowlansky
BELKEBIR Othman IHEID E‑Mail Mouvements à la trace : analyse d’une gouvernementalité des circulations au Maroc Alessandro Monsutti 2023
BELLARDI Nadia UNIBAS E‑Mail Social Anthropology A Year with Mothers and Daughters Intimate dialogues and multiple belongings across generations, faiths, and desires Prof. Dr. George-Paul Meiu 2027
BENOIT Lucie UNIBE E‑Mail Legal Anthropology Climate litigation & juridification of climate politics in Switzerland (working title) Prof. Dr. Julia Eckert
Dr. Jevgeniy Bluwstein
BENYEZZAR Mohamed-walid HESSO-GE E‑Mail Trajectoires, vécus et transitions vers l’âge adulte de jeunes mineurs étrangers arrivés en Suisse sans autorisation de séjour Pr. Marion Fresia (UNINE)
Pr. Milena Chimienti (HETS Genève)
BERG Hanna IHEID E‑Mail Paper refugees: a study of the everyday experiences of Syrians' (im)mobility in Jordan Professor Patricia Spyer 2023
BERRARD Anna UNIL E‑Mail Féminisme, écologie et spiritualité à travers les pratiques de lecture Irene Becci
Geneviève Pruvost
BESENÇON Sylvain UNIFR E‑Mail Anthropology of information security Prof. David Bozzini
BITTEL Sarah IHEID E‑Mail Speak with us, not about us! Afghans struggle to be seen and heard. Alessandro Monsutti
Ruth Mandel
BLOCH Anais UNINE E‑Mail Vers une pédagogie de la panne : réparer, réutiliser,créer, transformer pour mieux comprendre technologies d'information et de communication Anne Bationo-Tillon
Alice Aterianus-Owanga
BLOCH Selina UNIBAS E‑Mail - George Paul Meiu
BOHORQUEZ Oscar UNISG E‑Mail Deconstructing Cultural and Organizational postcolonial imaginaries in Post-Conflict Colombia: Alternative Media and Emerging Social Leadership voices and emerging praxis Yvette Sanchez
Christian Bueschges
BORDOLI Andrea UNIBE E‑Mail Burnt Creek: Experimental audiovisual approaches to indigeneity and multispecies assemblages in northern Québec mining communities (provisional title) Michaela Schäuble
BOREL Manon UNIBE E‑Mail Temporality of border infrastructures: distant neighborhood at the sealed Armenian-Turkish border Sabine Strasser (University of Bern)
Mathijs Pelkmans (LSE)
BOZZINI Filippo UNIL E‑Mail A hidden treasure for turbulent times: resources, politics, and feelings in contemporary Argentina Mark Goodale
BRESSAN Margaux UNIL E‑Mail Anthropologie de la santé Expérience de la maladie chronique d’enfants vivant avec une épilepsie. Entre prescription médicale et proscription des crises, des co-temporalités inscrites dans la chair Daniela Cerqui Ducret
Sophie Arborio
BROGER Regula k. UNISG E‑Mail How do leaders drive true corporate sustainability transformation in a context of uncertainty and equivocality? Prof. Dr. Patrik Aspers
BRUTTIN Lorry UNINE E‑Mail réorganisation des dynamiques familiales dans les familles paysannes au moment de la retraite Caroline Henchoz HETSL
Jérémie Forney UniNE
BÜHLER Jürg UNILU E‑Mail Well-being and selfcare among transnational workers in Switzerland Prof. Sandra Bärnreuther
CABALLÉ Pierre UNINE E‑Mail "Ce que prendre soin des abeilles veut dire - une ethnographie des politiques du déclin" - Humans/Bees Relation
CABALZAR Aloisio IHEID E‑Mail Climate Change in Indigenous Amazonia: Life Cycles, Environmental Knowledge and Scales of Governance Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff
CANTO Adrien UNINE E‑Mail « Somos Guineanos » : Imaginaire, identité et pouvoir dans le cinéma populaire de Guinée équatoriale. Dr. Alice Aterianus Owanga 2028
CESCON Fabio UNIL E‑Mail Negotiating Modernities: Temporal Logics of Worth of Russian Upperclasses in Switzerland Sébastien Chauvin
CHARMEY Diane UNILU E‑Mail Healing through yoga: Contemporary yoga practices by Muslims in Indian and Pakistani Panjab. Ass.- Prof. Dr. Sandra Bärnreuther
Dr. Suzanne Newcombe
CHATTERJEE Saheli IHEID E‑Mail Estrangements and Entitlements: Oral Histories Burmese-Indian Repatriation, 1960s-80s Professor Gopalan Balachandran
Professor Umut Yildrim
CHATTOPADHYAY Suchismita IHEID E‑Mail Politics of Self-fashioning: The beauty industry and personality grooming of women in neoliberal India.
CHOFFAT Leandra UNIBE E‑Mail A Feminist Analysis of Urban Commons Institutions (UCIs) through the Lens of Intersectional Political Ecologies Prof. Jean-David Gerber, University of Bern
Prof. Miriam Tola, John Cabot University, Rome Prof. Akosua Darkwah, University of Ghana, Accra Dr. Deniz Ay, University of Bern
CLERC Sélim UNINE E‑Mail The legacies of the measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic Pr. Christin Achermann Pr. Janine Dahinden
CORRADINI Francesco IHEID E‑Mail Nico Krisch
Grégoire Mallard
CRIMA BELLINI Kaue Felipe Nogarotto UNIBAS E‑Mail Transatlantic Cruising: racialized spaces, mobility, intimacy, and Queer worlding Prof. Dr. George Paul Meiu
PD. Dr. Lorena Rizzo
ĆURAK Hana UNIZH E‑Mail Collectiveness and Radical Futures: Shared Curatorship as Intervention in the context of post-Yugoslavia Prof. Dr. Silvy Chakkalakal 2026
DA SILVA ARAUJO Larissa IHEID E‑Mail Life alternatives: quotidian practices of Kayambi people Dr. Isabelle Schulte-Tenckoff 2023
DAQUIN Alice IHEID E‑Mail Femmes et résistance dans les quartiers populaires de Marseille Dennis Rodgers 2023
DE LUTZ Marie IHEID E‑Mail Anthropology Liberation in a Cup: Scales of worldmaking in everyday intimacies Patricia Spyer
Aditya Bharadwaj
DELMAS Virgile UNIL E‑Mail La diffusion vers l'Europe de rituels autochtones nord-américains Raphaël Rousseleau
Laurent Jérôme
DI GREGORIO Stefano IHEID E‑Mail The Biopolitics of Covid 19 Vinh-Kim Nguyen
Aditya Bharadwaj
DLAMINI Nkululeko IHEID E‑Mail The Platformization of Creative Labour on Social Media Professor Filipe Calvão
EBERLE Martina UNIBE E‑Mail Regimes of Harmonization, An Ethnography of Corporate Practices in the Global Financial Industry Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj
Prof. Dr. Arne Scheuermann
EDSTRÖM Martin UNIFR E‑Mail The Political Geology of Nuclear Waste Governance in Sweden Rony Emmenegger, [email protected]
Christine Bichsel, [email protected]
EICH Marie UNINE E‑Mail Des Bénévoles sur l'Alpe Viviane Cretton
Jérémie Forney
EL OUARDI Martine UNIL E‑Mail Fighting the Image War: The Struggle of (Undocumented) Migrants in Paris amidst the 2024 Olympics Monika Salzbrunn 2027
ELABED Saada UNIZH E‑Mail Questions on the emptyness in the archive Mareile Flitsch
ENGLAND Gen UNIZH E‑Mail Labour, Time and Caste in the Agricultural Anthropocene in Tamil Nadu Dr Nicolas Martin
EPHRUSSI Alexander IHEID E‑Mail The Many Faces of Home: Law and Affect among Afghans on the Move Dr. Alessandro Monsutti 2025
FELBER Selina UNIBE E‑Mail Transformations of food systems, related food consumption patterns and nutritional diversity and its impact on the food security in the rural area Pays Bedik (south-east Senegal) Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller
PD Dr. Sonja Merten
July 2024
FERI Vanessa UNIFR E‑Mail The architecture profession adapting to circularity: The transformation of processes, social relationships, and roles when reusing building materials Madlen Kobi
Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi
FERNANDES Marianna IHEID E‑Mail The the incorporation and use of 4.0 technologies in the mining industry in Latin America
FERT Marion UNINE E‑Mail "FIGURES DE LA REUSSITE ET DU POUVOIR – Trajectoires d’une élite intellectuelle produite au sein d’un contexte de déplacements forcés et prolongés" Prof. Dr. Marion Fresia (Unine)
FOSU Augustine UNIBE E‑Mail Formalization of Customary Tenure Practices and Customary Land Administration in Peri-Urban Ghana Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller 2024
FREY Louise UNIBE E‑Mail Cultivating (the Lack of) Alternatives to Prison Prof. Dr. Julia Eckert, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
FRIEDRICH Jonas UNISG E‑Mail The Role of Democratic Organizing in the Socio-Ecological Transformation Prof. Dr. Chris Steyaert
Prof. Dr. Christa Binswanger
FRIGO-CHARLES Olivia UNIZH E‑Mail Left behind? Formations of crisis and community in deindustrialised South Wales Prof. Moritz Ege, ISEK UZH
Prof. Monika Götz, ZHAW Soziale Arbeit
FRÜH Anja UNIFR E‑Mail La politique du patrimoine culturel. Les musées nationaux ethnographiques en France et en Allemagne (1989- 2013)
GANGWAR Aadarsh IHEID E‑Mail Queer disruptions to truth and credibility assessment within asylum procedures Professor Aditya Bharadwaj 2025
GAPANY Jérôme UNIL E‑Mail Mobilités à Fuzhou : Biographie des biens publics d'un ancien « village-dans-la-ville » converti en communauté urbaine (titre provisoire) Mme Anne-Christine Trémon 2022
GATIGNOL Lucas UNIL E‑Mail Aux périphéries de la servitude. Migrations et travail aux Seychelles Anne-Christine Trémon
GEISER Anna UNINE E‑Mail Exploring Resilient Transitions, Stakeholder Visions, and Digital Innovations in Swiss Organic Farming Prof. Dr. Jérémie Forney
GHAFIR Mariam UNIGE E‑Mail sciences politique et études genre Administrer les politiques de Planning Familial en Egypte depuis la Conférence Internationale pour la Population et le Développement : pour une compréhension des dynamiques locales de la réception des politiques de développement en matière de sexualité et de contrôle des naissances. Ilana Eloit (UniGe)
Assia Boutaleb (Paris1)
GHILDIYAL Surya UNIBE E‑Mail Co-constitutive Majoritarianism: Ordinary People and Everyday Constitution of Hindu Majoritarian Indian State Dr. Julia Eckert 2026
GHOMASHLOUYAN Moslem UNIBE E‑Mail Unregulated Commercial Mobilities in the Kurdish Mountains of the Iran-Iraq Border Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser (University of Bern)
Prof. Shahram Khosravi (Stockholm University)
GIBILISCO Saro UNIFR E‑Mail Precarisation in Switzerland. Continuities and Ruptures in Paid Work
GIRAUT Camille IHEID E‑Mail L'action positive en contextes colorblind: La réception par les bénéficiaires en France et au Brésil Prof. Graziella Moraes Da Silva 2022
GMUER Thomas IHEID E‑Mail "Dysfunctional Democracy": Towards an Ergotherapy of the Political Prof. Anna Leander
Prof. Jonathan Luke Austin
GUERDAT Ophélie UNINE E‑Mail Accès et distribution des prestations sociales dans les guichets sociaux Prof. Christin Achermann, Université de Neuchâtel Prof. Alexandre Lambelet, HETSL/HES-SO 2027
HAILE Semhar UNIBAS E‑Mail PRECURBICA - Precarious Urbanisms in Coastal Africa - Freetown, Sierra Leone Prof. Jon Schubert
Prof. Kenny Cupers
HÄNNI Anna UNIBE E‑Mail Member in the SNSF-Project "Coercive Space-Time Regimes: Comparing Configurations of Care and Constraint in Different Institutions" Ueli Hostettler, Prof. (FH), Dr. habil. (PH Bern, University of Berne)
Marina Richter, PD Dr. (HESO Wallis, University of Berne)
HEINI Céline UNIFR E‑Mail Social Anthropology Dealing with whiteness. Perspectives of people of Chilean descent in Switzerland (provisional) David Bozzini
Anne Lavanchy
HOWALD Claudia --- E‑Mail Anthropology, Sociology Black urban youth in the Colombian Pacific: political and memory practices Marisa Ramos Gonçalves, CES-University of Coimbra, Portugal 2024
HU Jueling UNIFR E‑Mail Media Studies; Human Geography 2025
HURTER Christophe UNINE E‑Mail 3 essays in financial accounting Prof. Peter Fiechter
IMHOF Christoph UNIBE E‑Mail The promise of the other. Living the opposite sex in Southern Spain Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj
Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer
INSBERG Manuel UNIBE E‑Mail Violent Safe Havens? Exploring Articulations and Repercussions of Violence in Refugee Reception and Settlement in Norway Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät, University of Bern
Dr. Carolin Fischer, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät, University of Bern
JAMBERS Anaël UNIZH E‑Mail Ethics and Politics in Switzerland Johannes Quack 2025
JIANG Xiaoyi Yijing UNIL E‑Mail Socio-anthopologie Trajectoires migratoires et insertions socioprofessionnelles des nouvelles prolétaires chinoises en France Anne-Christine Trémon
JOUSSET Amanda UNINE E‑Mail Anthropologie Le cacao fin et aromatique au Pérou: quels enjeux pour les cultivateur.rice.s? Jérémie Forney 2023
JUAN Paola UNIL E‑Mail Anthropology of health
JUD Rahel UNIBE E‑Mail Palm oil industry in Indonesia Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj
JUMLE Vihang UNIBE E‑Mail Algorithmic audit of search engine platforms in Switzerland Dr Mykola Makhortykh
Dr Sandra Destradi
KAHENGA MATONGO Albert UNINE E‑Mail Docctorat en sciences humaines et sociales PhD Title of thesis: Adaptation mechanisms of agricultural households to climate change in DRCongo: case study of the Tshopo Province Associate Professor Jérémie Forney 2024
KANE Violetta UNIBE E‑Mail Colonial continuities in agriculture. Prof. Dr. Stefan Leins
KARAT Jyothy UNIBE E‑Mail Role of Critical Minerals in Green Transition Prof.Dr. Julia Eckert
KEMPTER Nadja UNIZH E‑Mail Research about high-tech processes in agribusinesses in Vietnam Pro. Dr. Annuska Derks
KHAMSY Nina IHEID E‑Mail Provisional title: Scales of mobility of Afghan transnational youth in the digital era Prof. Alessandro Monsutti, Dr Till Mostowlansky
Dr Zuzanna Olszewska
KIDERLIN Nina Teresa IHEID E‑Mail Global Financial Networks of Armed Groups: An Exploration of Illicit Spaces, Regulatory, and Judicial Responses Prof. Grégoire Mallard
KLEIN Joshua IHEID E‑Mail Ambiguous Acculturations. Mind Sciences, Modernity and the Making of Subjects ‘after Race’, ca. 1930–1980 Mischa Suter
KOCH Julis IHEID E‑Mail Cognition in Crisis? On Climate Risk, Innovative Fixes and Other Anticipatory Practices of World-Making Gregoire Mallard 2025
KÖHLER Anne UNISG E‑Mail Transforming entrepreneurship education through feminist critical pedagogy Prof. Chris Steyaert
Prof. Karen Verduijn, VU Amsterdam
2024 or early 2025
KONG Jolene yiqiao IHEID E‑Mail Reproductive governance and women in Contemporary China Aditya Bharadwaj
Isabel Pike
KOZACZUK Dorota IHEID E‑Mail Who Is Imagining Palestine? A Study of Mediation Processes of Experts’ Knowledge (Foreign Architects and Planners) and its Effects on the Creative Sovereignty of Palestinian Spatial Expertise Professor Riccardo Bocco
KRÄHENBÜHL Mathilde UNIL E‑Mail Giving birth or not: Reproduction, environmental concerns, and (im)possible futures Irene Maffi 2026
KRANNER Catalina UNIZH E‑Mail Making Argentinian babies: an ethnography of reproductive mobilities in the ‘anarcho-capitalist’ time Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks
Prof. Dr. Carolin Schurr
KUKUCZKA Anne UNIZH E‑Mail Dreaming to Fly: Gender, Im/mobility and Skills Training in Urban Nepal Prof. Dr. Johannes Quack
Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt
KUNCORO Wahyu UNIZH E‑Mail Contesting the Margins: Tablighi Jama'at and the (re)Islamization of Cham Muslims of Cambodia Prof. Annuska Dersk
LA RAGIONE Loeva UNIL E‑Mail Digital anthropology Mark Goodale (UNIL)
LAMOTTE Léa UNIBE E‑Mail Finding transformational pathways for a Sustainable Swiss Food System (still in discussion) Sabin Bieri
Thomas Breu
2025 (planned)
LASSAK Maria UNISG E‑Mail "We expect them to do more than just order a passport" - Affective dimensions of citizenship in the Swiss naturalisation process. Jelena Tosic (HSG)
Sabine Strasser (University of Bern) and Insa Koch (HSG)
LEFORT Theo IHEID E‑Mail The natures of displacement : relations to nature on Afghan journeys in Istanbul and Geneva Alessandro Monsutti 2026
LIEDERMAN Camille UNIFR E‑Mail Consuming Astrology François Gautier
2025 or 2026
LLOPART OLIVELLA Pol IHEID E‑Mail Social Anthropology, mainly religion and economics City of Givers: Time, Personhood and the Gift among Muslims in the Serbian Sandžak Till Mostowlansky 2026
LOMBARD Margaux UNIL E‑Mail "Accès Culture, des projets de médiation artistique menés entre le continent africain et la France : enjeux politiques, acteurs, pratiques ". Monika Salzbrunn
LOUM Thioro UNINE E‑Mail Corps, mental et émotion : Représentations et instrumentalisation de la corporalité dans la performance de courses extrêmes et de défi en Suisse Professeur Ghasarian
Alain Mueller Aggée Célestin Lomo Myazhiom
End 2025
LUCHSINGER Tanja UNIZH E‑Mail The negotiation of moralities in transnational conjugal relationships Prof. Dr. Johannes Quack
To be decided
unclear yet
MAILLET Léo UNIGE E‑Mail The social life of naan Laure Zhang
Stéphane Dudoignon
MALATESTA Louisa UNINE E‑Mail Beef sector's adaptation capacity to climate change in the district of Jura and Bernese Jura Jérémie Forney 2028
MARINGONI Marco IHEID E‑Mail Je suis encore dans la phase de conception de mon projet. Le sujet est l'industrie d'auditing. La thèse sera écris en anglais. Prof. Marc Flandreau
MATASCI Lena UNINE E‑Mail world relationships in voluntary simplicity
MATHEZ Andrea UNIL E‑Mail Political Ecology ‘Alternative Agricultures’ as Concrete Utopias: Peasant Experiences, Experiments and Struggles in Switzerland and Morocco Christian Kull 2026
MAZUMDAR Purbasha IHEID E‑Mail Anthropology of science and medicine
MEIER Anina UNIZH E‑Mail Potentialities of CRISPR: An ethnography of reproductive medicine in Switzerland Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks
Prof. Dr. Mareile Flitsch
MÉLISANDE Nicolet UNIL E‑Mail Corps normés, corps incarnés, corps symbolisés : Anthropologie réflexive et ethnographie des TCA Laurence Kaufmann
Laurence Godin
MENGHINI Aurelia UNIFR E‑Mail Langage et domination David Bozzini 2029
METZGER Gerry UNIBE E‑Mail Geteiltes Leben, geteiltes Geld - Gemeinsame Ökonomie in Bern Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj
MOESINGER Anke UNILU E‑Mail Local Discourses and Understandings of Rapid Environmental Change on Takuu Atoll, PNG: Perceptions from a Polynesian Outlier Prof. Dr. Bettina Beer
MOUCHEL Selma UNIL E‑Mail Sexual and Reproductive Health Realities and Challenges Faced by Maya Women in Rural Chiapas, Mexico Clara Devlieger 2029
MOVAHEDI Mahroo UNIBE E‑Mail A sensory ethnography in "Zayanderood" In Isfahan, Iran Professor Dr.Michaela Schäuble
NAAB Charlotte UNIBE E‑Mail No Borders. Affective Arrangements of Transversal Solidarity. Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser
Prof. Sheila Seshia Galvin
NGUYEN Phuong UNIZH E‑Mail Sharing economy and digitalisation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Viet Nam Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks 2025
NIRAGIRE NIRERE Doris UNINE E‑Mail Sociology Sortir de l'aide sociale à l'enfance : défis et opportunité de l'accession à la majorité Prof. Christin Achermann 2024
NITU Teodor UNIFR E‑Mail
NOUR Akbar UNIBE E‑Mail Religiosity and Citizenship Amongst Young Swiss Muslim Adults in Contemporary Switzerland: An Ethnograpic Account Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern, Bern, Schweiz
Prof. Dr. Mirjam Eser Davolio, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Institut für Vielfalt und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe, Zürich, Schweiz
OMBERE Stephen UNIBE E‑Mail Local Perceptions of Social Protection Schemes in Maternal Health in Kenya: Ethnography in Coastal Kenya Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller
Dr. Sonja Merten
OPPLIGER Jean-Marie UNIL E‑Mail Entre acupuncture et climatisation Les circulations d’objets, de savoirs et de savoir-faire dans la coopération chinoise au Cameroun : L’hôpital de Mbalmayo et le Palais des Sports de Yaoundé Antoine Kernen 2024
PANDEY Riddhi IHEID E‑Mail Narratives of Everyday Life from Indian Prisons Patricia Spyer 2024
PANDYA Pearl UNIBE E‑Mail Online Hate speech in Law versus Practice in India Prof. Julia Eckert
PANENKA Petra UNILU E‑Mail Food Preferences and Food Choices among the Northern Lacandon Maya, Mexico (working title) Prof. Dr. Bettina Beer
PASTRÉ Paule UNIBE E‑Mail The Energy Charter Treaty: The reconfiguration of state-corporate legal relations as the climate crisis sounds the death knell of fossil energies Julia Eckert
PATRA Rahi UNISG E‑Mail AI, Techno-colonialism and Caste in India Prof. Dr. Veronica Barassi ([email protected])
Prof. Dr. Paula Bialski ([email protected])
PEREZ Thomas IHEID E‑Mail Quand les techniques et les TIC s'imbriquent. Yvan Droz 2027
PLUIES Julie UNIL E‑Mail Anthropologie Du souci de soi au souci des autres. La fabrique morale des enfants, des adolescents et de leurs parents au fil de parcours de soins pédopsychiatriques au Maroc Prof. Ilario Rossi / Mark Goodale
Sarra Mougel
PLÜSS Hannah UNIFR E‑Mail Kinship and gender in community-owned hydro power structures in rural Latin America Prof. Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi 2028
PORCHET Pierrick UNIGE E‑Mail Circulation des pratiques et des représentations kinésiques des arts martiaux chinois Bruno Strasser
Basile Zimmermann
POUX-BERTHE Marie UNISG E‑Mail Ageing in a digital society: an exploratory case study of France Prof. Veronica Barassi
Prof. Tanja Schneider
PRALONG Mélody UNIL E‑Mail La prise en charge du diabète en milieu scolaire Prof. Francesco Panese
PRATIKSHA Minee UNIZH E‑Mail Spatial Injustice and Memory: Dalit Refugees' resettlement in Post-1947 Delhi Prof. Dr. Johannes Quack
Prof. Dr. Harald Fishertiné
PREISSLER Laura Katharina UNILU E‑Mail Navigating Parenting in switzerland Prof. Dr. Bettina Beer
RAGAZZI Costanza IHEID E‑Mail platform labour / politics / migration
RAKOTOMANANA Claudine UNIBAS E‑Mail Transnational intimacies and power relations Prof. Dr. George Paul Meiu
REICHHARDT Björn UNIFR E‑Mail From Ferments to Fences: Land, Milk, and the Making of Value in Rural Mongolia Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi (Université de Fribourg)
Prof. Manduhai Buyandelger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
REN Qinghuai UNIZH E‑Mail Chinese technical migrants in Germany Prof. Dr. Peter Finke
Prof. Dr. Christoph Brumann
REY Gaspard UNIL E‑Mail Between political theory and psychosocial approaches of race and racism. Weight of whiteness on antiracist projects in switzerland. Sébastien Chauvin, University of Lausanne
Shona Hunter, Leeds Beckett University
RICKENBACH Mathias UNIZH E‑Mail Migration Infrastructure in the Euro-African Border Space Prof. Dr. Heinz Käufeler
Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks
RIGGS Lauren IHEID E‑Mail Medical Anthropology; STS
RIVAROLA GHIGLIONE Facundo IHEID E‑Mail Anthropology of the environment/Environmental Governance/Human-environment relations Prof. Shaila Seshia Galvin 2024
RIZK Anthony IHEID E‑Mail Medical Anthropology In the End-Days: Enactments of collapse and the struggle over privatized healthcare in Lebanon Vinh Kim Nguyen
Anna-Riikka Kauppinen
ROBERT Gladys UNIL E‑Mail Thèse en anthropologie du genre et de la migration sous la direction d'Irene Maffi Irene Maffi
ROELLI Michael UNIL E‑Mail Histoire contemporaine des théories et des usages savants des rêves Rémy Amouroux 2025
RUFFINER Yohana UNIL E‑Mail Trasient rivers and moving soils. The knowledge immersed in the mine. Ethnography on the dynamics of innovation in artisanal mining practices in Madre de Dios, Peru Dominique Vinck
RUTZ Kiah UNIZH E‑Mail Materialities of Obsolescence: A Study of Snow, a Season and the Changing Conditions in the Swiss Alps Prof. Dr. Mareile Flitsch 2026
SACO CHUNG Urpi IHEID E‑Mail Encountering, occupying and exceeding categories: being indigenous within the United Nations system. Prof. Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff 2024
SAHAY Arushi IHEID E‑Mail Anthropology of Reproduction Revisiting the Sterilisation Debate: Female Sterilisation as the Ordinary in Northwest India Prof. Aditya Bharadwaj
SALA Alice UNINE E‑Mail ethnologie Computer Village : Ethnography of an ICT market in Lagos, Nigeria. (working title) Prof. Ellen Hertz
SANDERS Angela UNINE E‑Mail «Roots becoming Routes»: Migration and Entangled Histories between Peru and Switzerland Prof. Gianni D'Amato, SFM, University of Neuchâtel
Prof. Walter Leimgruber, Universität Basel
SAUTIER Marie UNIL E‑Mail Sociologie du travail. Ethnographie des sciences. Genre et travail. Professeure Nicky Le Feuvre
SCHÖNENBERG Lucien UNIBE E‑Mail Anthropology of the State, urban policing, algorithmic video surveillance Algorithmic governance through "intelligent" camera systems in France Prof. Dr. Julia Eckert 2025
SCHRÖTER David Luis UNIL E‑Mail The Food that Will Feed the World
SCHUBIGER Elisabeth IHEID E‑Mail Self-Accomplishment and Local Morality: An Ethnographic Case Study on Effects of Crude Oil Extraction in Turkana, Kenya. 2023
SEKUMBO Genevieve IHEID E‑Mail Mtwara's Youth Subjectivities and Perceptions towards the Gas Industry in Tanzania Prof. Filipe Calvao
SENGUPTA Sucharita IHEID E‑Mail Statelessness and Agency, Survival of Rohingya in Camps of Bangladesh Professors Alessando Monsutti and 2nd reader- Professor Shalini Randeria 2021
SERSIA Kanikka IHEID E‑Mail The Making of Algorithmic Labour in the Platform Economy Prof. Filipe Calvao 2025
SHARMA Smriti UNILU E‑Mail Insuring Access to Care? The Making of a Health Insurance Scheme in India Prof Dr. Sandra Bärnreuther
Prof Dr. Ursula Rao (MPI)
SIGRIST Aline UNINE E‑Mail Diffusion de la médecine ayurvédique en Suisse: patients et mobilité thérapeutique Christian Ghasarian
SIL Suparba UNILU E‑Mail Adoption, Dissemination and Domestication of ART in India and Switzerland: A Comparative Analysis of the interaction among Technology. State, Society and Market Sandra Bärnreuther
SKAFF Nadine UNIBE E‑Mail Leaving the party: former Kurdish rebels and the remaking of post-revolutionary sujectivities in Iraqi Kurdistan and the European diaspora Dr. Isabel Käser
Dr. Sabine Strasser
SMITH Robert D. IHEID E‑Mail Health as a Form of Politics in North India Aditya Bharadwaj (IHEID);
Lawrence Cohen (UC Berkeley); Umut Yıldırım (IHEID)
SONEKAR Harshal IHEID E‑Mail Anthropology
STALLEY Luke UNISG E‑Mail The (im)possibilites of letting life end in geriatric medicine: an ethnographic study of medical practice, values and materialities towards the end of life Dr Anna Mann 2026
STEINEGGER Sarah UNIBE E‑Mail Food commons Jean-David Gerber 2025
SUTTER Rebekka UNIZH E‑Mail Tilling with Knives, Planting with Fire: Socio-technical Transformations and Senses of Place of Steep-slope Cultivation Communities in Yunnan (PR of China) in Times of Climate Change" Prof. Dr. Mareile Flitsch
TALPAIN Olivier UNIL E‑Mail Health Anthropology ; Medical Humanities ; STS Recherche moderne sur l'Ayurveda Modern research on Ayurveda Prof. Francesco Panese, sociologue (FMB, SSP, Unil)
Prof. Eric Bonvin, médecin (FBM, Unil)
TARANGER Jean yves benoit UNIZH E‑Mail Early Childhood Interventions in the Global South Gabriel Scheidecker 2028
TAVERNA Simon UNIBE E‑Mail Lack of Parliamentarization at the UN: Attempts at an Explanation from the Perspective of Committed Practitioners Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller
TEIGELKÖTTER Gesa UNINE E‑Mail health and (un)deportability Janine Dahinden
THANIAGO Roy IHEID E‑Mail Anthropology Prof. Patricia Spyer
Prof. Graziella Moraes Dias da Silva
THOMPSON Eloise UNINE E‑Mail Towards a Novel Mobility Regime? The Legacies of the COVID-19 Pandemic Regarding the Governance of Human Movement Professor Francisco Klauser
Professor Janine Dahinden, Professor Christin Achermann
TIKI MBASSI Larissa UNIFR E‑Mail Neuchâtel face à la colonisation : circulations, intrications et mémoire Matthieu Gillabert
Inconnue pour l'instant
TONNE Christin IHEID E‑Mail Transnational Alliance-Building at the European Union level Grégoire Mallard
TORRE Violante UNIL E‑Mail Global intimacies of an iconic-ordinary building: everyday practices and affective exeriences of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Domain: urban geography; feminist geography; more-than-human approaches Pr. Martin Müller 2025
TRIVIN Clotilde UNIL E‑Mail Géographie Affective buildings: assembling the affective and the political in and beyond large cultural buildings. A study of the European Solidarity Center in Gdansk, Poland. Martin Müller 2024
UETZ Andrin UNIBE E‑Mail Soundscape of Density. Architecture, Space and Sound in Sai Ying Pun. Prof. Dr. Britta Sweers
URMANBETOVA Zarina UNIFR E‑Mail The Social Life of Roads in Kyrgyzstan Prof. Agnieszka Joniak-Luthi n/a
VANDAELE Mathilde UNIL E‑Mail Indigeneity, alternative systems of food production, consumption, and distribution in Canton of Vaud
VEITCH Amelia UNIL E‑Mail Anthropologie Environmental anthropology of abandoned agricultural land on the coast of Brittany (France) Mark Goodale
Birgit Müller
VILHEM Steve UNIL E‑Mail Anorexia nervosa Aude Fauvel
Marie Rose Moro
VOÉLIN Fanny UNIBE E‑Mail The politics of urban planning and development in Antananarivo Prof. Dr. Peter Messerli
Prof. Dr. Julie Zähringer, Prof. Dr. Lars Buur
VON DACH Michelle UNIZH E‑Mail mapping and understanding the changing migration flows Prof. Dr. Peter Finke
VON REUMONT Eva christiane UNIBE E‑Mail Materializing our Ontologies – Along the Boundaries of Western Museums Ethics Prof Dr Heinzpeter Znoj 2022
VUILLEUMIER Louis UNIFR E‑Mail Résistance et translocalité de migrants illégalisés originaires d'Afrique subsaharienne au sein des régimes de mobilité européens David Bozzini
Janine Dahinden
WAKO Wario UNIZH E‑Mail Early childhood interventions in Ethiopia Professor Gabriel Scheidecker
WEISSMAN Samuel UNIBE E‑Mail Convivial Constitutionality: Human-Predator Interrelations in Complex Social-Ecological Systems Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller
Prof. Dr. Dan Brockington
WIEDERKEHR Sara UNIL E‑Mail Through Art and Politics: Social Imaginaries in the Streets - An Anthropological Study of the Mural Art in Los Angeles (California) Prof. Dr. Monika Salzbrunn
WIESIGEL Wiebke UNINE E‑Mail Crafting justice in "hybrid" courts: exploring practices and politics in Zambian local courts Prof. Ellen Hertz 2025
WINTERBERGER Georg UNIZH E‑Mail Strategien zur Existenzsicherung in Burma/Myanmar. Wie geht die kleinstädtische Bevölkerung in Burma/Myanmar mit der schnellen Öffnung des Landes und dem dadurch entstandenen rasanten Wandel um? Prof. Dr. Peter Finke
WYSSLING Jago UNIBE E‑Mail The Ethics of Autonomy in Confinement Prof. Dr. Ueli Hostettler
YAGI Sachiyo IHEID E‑Mail Modern Reproductive Technology and Reimagined Traditional Kinship: An Ethnography of Egg Freezing in Japan Aditya Bharadwaj
YANG Huajing UNIZH E‑Mail Study of Uzbek immigrants in Germany and Switzerland (provisional title) Prof. Peter Finke
Prof. Mareile Flitsch
ZAMANOV Ramil UNIBE E‑Mail Queer masculinities in Azerbaijan Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser
Dr. Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer
ZANGGER Ariane UNIBE E‑Mail Convivial Constitutionality: Human-Wolf-Interrelations in Complex Social-ecological Systems in Romania
ZELLER Edouard IHEID E‑Mail Anthropology & Sociology Activating labor and moralities : new forms of managing the unemployed in Switzerland. Anna-Riikka Kauppinen
Yvan Droz
2025 / 2026
ZENGER Svetlana UNIL E‑Mail Apprendre à lire un album jeunesse avant de savoir vraiment lire pour entrer avec confiance dans l’apprentissage de la lecture en français langue de scolarisation