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A new liver, a new life? Intimate uncertainties and moral economies of transnational liver transplantation in Germany.

Author Julia REHSMANN
Director of thesis Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser
Co-director of thesis
Summary of thesis

This research project sheds light on the circumstances surrounding Germany’s transplant system and its

ambivalences that causes people to cross EU borders to receive transplants. Under study will be the

transnational interrelations of patients, surgeons and donors at three levels: states governing, clinics

practicing and individuals intimately experiencing organ transplants. This project focuses on precarity

and moral obligations involved when patients face serious health problems, as well as the practices of

moralities when a part of the body is exchanged from one person to the other. The study of these intimate uncertainties of precarious

lives on the threshold of life and death will contribute to a deeper understanding of the moral economy

across EU borders.


Status middle
Administrative delay for the defence