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« Giving meaning to a life course. Representations and beliefs of Tunisian undocumented migrants (harraga) » Émigrer en quête de dignité Tunisiens entre désillusions et espoirs https://pufr-editions.fr/produit/emigrer-en-quete-de-dignite/

Director of thesis Prof. Monika Salzbrunn
Co-director of thesis
Summary of thesis

My PhD thesis is about the mental representations and motivations of Tunisian undocumented migrants (harraga) who have lived, are living or would like to live in Europe, and more specifically in Switzerland. It takes into account the ways migrants understand their life courses as well as the migrants’relation to Islam and to ‘popular’ beliefs.


// Ma thèse s’intéresse aux motivations et aux représentations des migrants non-documentés tunisiens (harraga). Il s’agit notamment de s’intéresser au regard retrospectif des migrants sur leur propre trajectoire de vie, ainsi qu'au rapport des harraga à l’islam, de même qu’aux croyances ‘populaires’.

Status finished
Administrative delay for the defence 2017
URL http://www.unil.ch/issrc/home/menuinst/chercheurseuses/simon-mastrangelo.html
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-mastrangelo-4b94a114b/