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Schulen und mehrsprachige Lebenswelten. Erfahrungen im Umgang mit (il)legitimen Sprachen

Author Irène ZINGG
Director of thesis Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj, Universität Bern, Institut für Sozialanthropologie
Co-director of thesis Prof. Dr. Yvette Bürki, Universität Bern, Instituto de Lengua y Literaturas Hispánicas
Summary of thesis

The cumulative dissertation reflects theoretical and applied activity especially in relation to top-

ics dealing with migration and multilingualism, intercultural education, and education and social

justice in a transnationalized and superdiverse Switzerland whose demographic composition

has changed significantly since the late 1990s. The starting point is Bourdieu's distinction be-

tween legitimate and illegitimate languages, which systematically documents the de-capitaliza-

tion of migrant languages in the Swiss school education system and highlights the untapped

pedagogical potential of multilingualism in the adolescent migrant popula

Status finished
Administrative delay for the defence 2023
URL https://www.phbern.ch/ueber-die-phbern/personen/irene-zingg-1