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From geopolitics to the intimate: Researching alternative agricultures beyond North-South divides. Struggles, Utopias and Experiences from Moroccan and Swiss Farmers

Author Andrea MATHEZ
Director of thesis Christian Kull
Co-director of thesis
Summary of thesis

I explore how (geo)politics and the intimate are entangled with regard to food and agriculture and how to research alternative agricultures beyond North-South divides. I focus on alternative agricultures in Switzerland and Morocco - forms of peasant agro-ecology that have persisted or emerged outside of agricultural planning and agro-industry - with the idea that these forms of agriculture carry within them the seeds for imagining and implementing socially more just and ecologically more viable agri-food futures. I explore the multiple dimensions – economic, political, historic, cultural, socio-ecological and embodied – that (re)make these farming experiences in both countries.

Status middle
Administrative delay for the defence 2026
URL https://igd.unil.ch/amathez/