
175 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
ABILDENOVA Dinara UNIZH E‑Mail „Celebrations in Kazakhstan: The Role of Social Norms in Economic Relations“ Prof. Dr. Finke Peter
Prof. Dr. Julia Pauli
ABRAHAM Andrea UNIBE E‑Mail "Doing quality": the discursive construction of medical quality using the example of Swiss family medicine (working title) Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj
AEBERLI Annina UNIBE E‑Mail The Power of Ontologies: The Duty to Take Care of the Land and the Ancestors among the Kenyah Prof. Heinzpeter Znoj
Prof. Tobias Haller
ALIBAYEVA Indira UNIZH - Ethnic Differentiation, Interethnic Relations and Conflict: The Case of Uzbeks in Kazakhstan. 2022
ALROZZI Mohammed UNIFR E‑Mail Understanding Children work in Gaza Strip, Palestine: Anthropological study of working children lives and their conceptual construction of work. Prof. Véronique Pache
Prof. Karl Hanson
ALTUNBULAK Aylin UNIBE - Queering spaces under political authoritarianism. Resistance and performances in Turkey Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser
AMREIN Thierry UNIL E‑Mail « Émancipation et patriarcat : le cas du parcoursArianna » (titre provisoire) Patricia Roux Unil-SSP
ANGGAWI Sophie Mahakam IHEID E‑Mail Paradise on Earth: Tolak Reklamasi's Artivism and the Image Ecology of Bali's Tourism Industry Prof. Patricia Spyer 2022
ARZIEVA Aikokul IHEID E‑Mail Normative Implications of "Development: Conflicting Modes of Knowing and Relating Professor Alessandro Monsutti
Professor Isabelle Schulte Tenckhoff
BACALZO SCHWÖRER Doris UNILU E‑Mail Transcultural socialization and childhood among the Wampar, Papua New Guinea Prof. Dr. Bettina Beer
BARACCHINI Leïla UNINE - Quand l'art vient à D'kar: Emergence et production d'un art san contemporain Prof. Philippe Geslin Prof. Ellen Hertz
Prof. Nathalie Heinich
BATE Tara UNIZH E‑Mail anthropologie sociale et culturelle Herders at heart? The role of pastoralism in a borderland high-mountain community of Tibetan culture in NW Nepal Prof. Peter Finke
Prof. Shaila Sheshia-Galvin
BAUER Lara UNINE E‑Mail medical and religious anthropology Enjeux et réseaux translocaux des « chirurgies parallèles » (Brésil, Philippines, Angleterre, Suisse) Christian Ghasarian, Institut d'Ethnologie, Neuchâtel 2017
BAYUGO Yolanda UNILU - Medical Anthropology Undocumented Filipino migrant workers' access to health care in Geneva, Switzerland Dr. Prof. Bettina Beer
BELHADJ Marion UNIL E‑Mail La pandémie une épreuve citoyenne. Approche comparée Algérie, Kanaki-Nouvelle Calédonie, Suisse Laurence Kaufmann
BERNASCONI Attilio UNIL E‑Mail ‘Claims for a Bottom-Up Peacebuilding in the Colombian Peace Process. Afro-descendant Communities, Territories, Autonomy…and the ELN' Mark Goodale
BIBASSIS Evtichia UNIZH E‑Mail the roles of art in public space from different actor perspectives prof. thomas hengartner
BOLAY Matthieu UNINE E‑Mail La circulation des personnes dans les espaces de l'extraction aurifère artisanale en Afrique de l'ouest (Guinée, Mali, Côte d'ivoire) Prof. Janine Dahinden
BORECKÝ Pavel UNIBE E‑Mail Living Water: An Audio-Visual Exploration of Social Polarization through Water as 'more-than-human' Agent in Jordan Prof. Dr. Michaela Schäuble
BOUCHARD Alice UNINE E‑Mail Intentionality in great ape communication Klaus Zuberbühler
BRAVO Barbara IHEID E‑Mail “Imagi(nations) of Timor-Leste: ‘Onde o Sonho e a Saudade se Confundem’” Professor Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff
BRESSAN Laís IHEID - Anthropology of Mobilities Riccardo Bocco
BREUBECK Anne UNIZH E‑Mail The Tamil Diaspora in Switzerland
BROBBEY Maame Kyerewaa IHEID E‑Mail Politics and Practice of Small-scale mining industry in Africa
My thesis is still in the proposal development stage
BUGNON Pascale UNIGE E‑Mail L'art d'accomoder les ancêtres de la nation. Analyse du processus patrimonial en Chine à travers la catégorie des "tombes antiques" [titre provisoire] Basile Zimmermann
BÜHLER Nolwenn UNINE E‑Mail Etude sociale des sciences et des technologies, anthropologie médicale et de la santé, études genre THE FRONTIERS OF AGE: ARTS AND THE EXTENSION OF FERTILITY TIME IN SWITZERLAND AND BEYOND Prof. Willemijn de Jong, UZH 2016
BÜRGE Michael UNIZH E‑Mail Crossing Borders, Crossing Sovereignty: An Ethnography of Local Practices of Regulation of Translocal Flows and Reconfigurations of Sovereignty beyond, within and with the State in Sierra Leone (working title) Prof. Shalini Randeria
Dr. Gerhard Anders
BUSSET Michaël UNIL E‑Mail Cultural Anthropology "Kosovo je Srbija - Kosovo is Serbia". An ethnography of Serbian pilgrimages in Kosovo. Prof. Irene Maffi (Unil)
BYRNE Sarah UNIZH E‑Mail Becoming a Contender: Legitimacy, Authority and the Power of Making Do in Nepal’s Permanent Transition Benedikt Korf 2015
CANGIÀ Flavia UNIFR E‑Mail "Performing the Buraku. Narratives on Cultures and Everyday Life in Contemporary Japan" Christian Giordano 2010
CHAMEL Jean UNIL E‑Mail Anthropology of nature and religions (provisional title) “Everything is connected”. Ethnography of a Network of Intellectuals of Environmentalism (France-Switzerland): From Systemic Collapse to Holistic and Monistic Ecospirituality. Prof. Raphaël Rousseleau
Dr. Yvan Droz
CHAUTEMS Caroline UNIL E‑Mail Les temporalités de l'allaitement: des normes médico-sociales aux pratiques et à l'expérience des mères Irene Maffi
CHURCH Willem UNILU E‑Mail Patrons to Gold: The Resource Curse, Nacsent Clientism, and Emerging Inequality in the Context of Mining in Wampar, Papua New Guinea Prof. Dr. Bettina Beer
COHN Miriam UNIBAS E‑Mail Staging intangible culture: migrant theatre productions Prof. Dr. Walter Leimgruber
CORDEY Michael UNIL E‑Mail Anthropologie des techniques, du corps et de la santé Connais-sens et technique. L'innovation technologique à la conquête de la réhabilitation des corps Ilario Rossi
COSBY Renata UNIBE E‑Mail Social Anthropology The flash performance of Swissness Professor Dr. Heinz Peter Znoj
Professor Dr. Patricia Purtschert
CUPELIN Ekaterina IHEID E‑Mail The Kalaydji Roma: Encountering Self, State and Other Professor Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff
DALE Cyprianus Jehan Paju UNIBE E‑Mail Non State Actors in Sustainable Development in Indonesia
DAPKUNAITE Ruta UNIFR E‑Mail Thinking behind the numbers: A test case for identifying and understanding factors of national cultural resistance that hinder integration of refugees 2021
DE COULON Giada UNINE E‑Mail Processus décisionnels de requérants d’asile déboutés de Suisse : quelle est la marge de manœuvre des acteurs? Etude de l’importance des réseaux sociaux face à une décision administrative de renvoi. Dr. Janine Dahinden
DE SOUZA SOARES Victor UNIBE E‑Mail Dwellings of Sound: Auditory Knowledge and Sonic Symbolism amongst the Geraizeiros of Central Brazil Prof. Dr. Britta Sweers
DELLA BIANCA Laetitia UNIL E‑Mail Sociologie/Anthropologie Tracking the Female Body: Femtech, Biosensors, and the Enactment of Computerized Fertility Francesco Panese 2022
DERUNGS Nicolas UNINE E‑Mail The role of cross-compliance instruments in the prevention of soil erosion in Switzerland: interdisciplinary analysis of an on-going failure Prof. Ellen Hertz
Prof. Edward Mitchell
DICK Michèle UNIZH E‑Mail Visual Anthropology Fieldwork Photography as Anthropological Practice Prof. Dr. Mareile Flitsch, University of Zurich
Dr. Kelley Wilder, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
DIETZ Daniela UNIZH E‑Mail On Bridges and Boundaries in Istanbul. An anthropological perspective on “agency” and “structure” in a contested urban space. Prof. Dr. Peter Finke
DIKOVIC Jovana UNIZH E‑Mail economic and legal anthropology STRATEGIES OF EVERYDAY POLITICS IN RURAL SERBIA – Anthropological Insight into Post-socialist Rural Development Discrepancies after 2000 – Prof. Dr. Peter Finke
Dr. Slobodan Naumovic
DUDRAK Agnieszka UNINE E‑Mail Travelling Empowerments: Ethnograpgy of NGOs Domestic Violence Projects in Georgia Prof. Marion Fresia Prof. Ellen Hertz
FIORONI Claudie IHEID E‑Mail "Politics of Work" and "Politics at Work" : The Case of the Jordan Phosphate Mine Company Professor Riccardo Bocco
FRIEDEN Marie-Cécile UNINE E‑Mail Logiques et itinéraires thérapeutiques de femmes atteintes du cancer du col utérin au Burkina Faso Christian Ghasarian
GEORGE Alex M. UNIFR E‑Mail Intergenerational mobility and accessing opportunities: Analysis of changing Dalit lives Prof. Beatrice Renzi (Erfurt Universität) Prof. Véronique Pache Huber (Université de Fribourg)
GEORGE Rosemary IHEID E‑Mail Transforming Returnees into Development Agents: Subjects, belonging and agencies involved in the creation of transnational development agents in an Indian context. Prof. Isabelle Milbert
GHOSH Banhishikha UNIZH E‑Mail Dynamics of Chiyawali Koti Identity in Eastern India Prof. Johannes Quack
Prof. Samita Sen
GROLIMUND Andrea Patricia UNIL E‑Mail Ageing, Agency and Health in Urbanizing Dar es Salaam Prof. Dr. Brigit Obrist
Prof. Dr. Till Förster
GUNES Ozge Burcu IHEID E‑Mail Economic and financial strategies of Roma in Sakarya, Turkey Prof. Jean-Michel Servet
HALLER Maria Magdalena UNINE - Agri-environmental governance, metrics and trust Jérémie Forney
HERTIG Gabriela IHEID E‑Mail Stem Cell Biotechnologies in India Prof. Aditya Bharadwaj 2018
HERTZOG Alice ETHZ E‑Mail Urbanization on the Move. Investigating patterns of migration and urbanisation along the Beninois Littoral Dr Christian Schmid
Dr. Armelle Choplin & Dr. Pius Krütli
HOCK Nikita UNIBE E‑Mail The Sonic in Jewish War-Time Diaries Prof. Dr. Christian Gerlach 2020
HUGHES Maria UNIZH E‑Mail Narratives and Ontologies of faith-based aid workers Prof. Dr. Johannes Quack (ISEK Universität Zürich)
Prof. Dr. Thomas G. Kirsch (Universität Konstanz)
HÜRLEMANN Seraina UNIL E‑Mail Social and Cultural Anthropology Rural Tourism and Local Perceptions of Change (In Yunnan, China) Christophe Clivaz
ILBAY SOYLEMEZ Hatice UNIZH E‑Mail Cultural Heritage and Urbanization in Turkmenistan Prof. Peter Finke
IONITA Irina IHEID E‑Mail How is Another Knowledge Possible? Reflections on Empathy and the Colonial Difference in the Context of Indigenous Studies in Canada Prof. Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff
JACOT DESCOMBES Andrea UNINE E‑Mail "La parola che fa vedere" - Le théâtre de narration en Italie Prof. Ph. Geslin, professeur associé à l'Université de Neuchâtel 2016
JAEGER Ursina UNIZH E‑Mail Children’s Pathways of Belonging. An Ethnography of a Kindergarten Class in a Diversified Swiss Neighborhood Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks
Prof. Dr. Laura Gilliam
JALLO zainabu UNIBE - From the Sacred to the Spectacular: Performance of Diasporic Consciousness through Visual Representations in Brazilian Candomblé Prof. Dr. Michaela Schäuble,
Prof. Dr. Gonçalves da Silva ( USP São Paulo) Prof. Dr. Nadia Radwan
JASHARI Shpresa UNINE E‑Mail LANGUAGE AS B/ORDER: Crossing European Borders and Boundaries through Mandatory ‘Pre-Integrative Language Testing’ Prof. Janine Dahinden
KASSEM Susann IHEID E‑Mail The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: An Ethnographic Study of the Practices of Peacekeeping Riccardo Bocco
KAUFMANN Lena UNIZH E‑Mail Paddy field bound: Chinese rice farmers’ strategies for protecting their farmland resources in rural-urban migration, 1980s to 2010s Prof. Dr. Mareile Flitsch
Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks
KESSELRING Rita UNIBAS E‑Mail "The Formation of a Victims' Subject Position in Today's South Africa: Embodiment and Juridification of Apartheid-Era Violence" Prof. Till Förster
Assoc. Prof. Fiona Ross, UCT
KHAZAEI Faten UNINE E‑Mail La fabrique de la différence: Double standard dans la prise en charge institutionnelle des violences conjugales en Suisse Prof. Janine Dahinden
Prof. Marylène Lieber
KLAUE Léa UNIBE E‑Mail Visual Anthropology, Digital Storytelling A look into the meaning of “work” in children’s and adolescent’s lives in urban Bolivia. An audio-visual ethnography and the impossibilities of picturing the other’s reality Michaela Schäuble 2023
KOBI Madlen UNIBE E‑Mail Constructing, Creating, and Contesting Cityscapes. A Socio-Anthropological Approach to Urban Transformation in Southern Xinjiang, People's Republic of China. Prof. Heinzpeter Znoj, Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Berne
Prof. Ellen Hertz, Institut d'Ethnologie, Université de Neuchâtel
KOHLI Vanessa UNIL - La permaculture et le "care de la Terre"; les imaginaires de l'Anthropocène? Irene Maffi
KOLLER Clara UNILU E‑Mail Balikbayan Boxes and Bank Accounts: An Anthropological Account of Exchange Networks between Switzerland and the Philippines Prof. Dr. Bettina Beer, Professor of Ethnology, University of Lucerne
Dr. Rahel Kunz, Senior Lecturer Institute of Political, Historical and International Studies and Centre of International History and Political Studies of Globalization, University of Lausanne
KRISTOL Anne UNINE E‑Mail The naturalization procedure in Switzerland: A gender perspective on the practices and representations of state actors Janine Dahinden
KUIJPERS Anna Elisabeth UNIZH E‑Mail Development and Trust in Upper Mesopotamia' GAP Project Peter Finke
Heinz Kaufeler
KURDGELASHVILI Ana UNIBE - Social Anthropology Multi-sensory Experience of Transition in Georgia
LA MELA Verena UNIZH E‑Mail "Solidarity in competition: Women, trade and social networks in south-eastern Kazakhstan" Prof. Dr. Peter Finke
Prof. Dr. Günther Schlee
LANDOLT Gabriela UNIBE E‑Mail Change and Adaptation in the Swiss Alps: Bargaining Processes and Rule Constitution in the Collective Alpine Farming Prof. Tobias Haller
LEINS Stefan UNIZH E‑Mail Cockpits of Capitalism: An Ethnography of Financial Analysis Prof. Dr. Peter Finke
Prof. Dr. Ellen Hertz
LEITENBERG Danaé UNIBE E‑Mail Trapped in Paradise: Im/mobilities in touristic places
LEMS Annika UNIBE E‑Mail Postdoctoral researcher in the SNF project "Transnational Biographies of Education. Young Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers and their Navigation through Shifting Social Realities in Switzerland and Turkey".
LINDT Angela UNIBE E‑Mail Prof. Dr. Julia Eckert
LY Shia Manh UNINE E‑Mail Culture populaire, politique Christophe Jaccoud
Dominique Malatesta
MANTEL Carola UNIZH E‑Mail Lehrperson, Migration und Differenz. Lebens- und berufsgeschichtliche Erfahrungen und Umgangsweisen mit Differenz und Zugehörigkeit bei Primarlehrpersonen der zweiten Einwanderergeneration Prof. Dr. Heinz Käufeler
MARION Richard UNIL E‑Mail Études sociales des sciences et des techniques (STS) La fabrique de l'ingénieur aujourd'hui - Cas de l'École Centrale De Pékin et de l'Institut sino-européen d'aéronautique. Dominique Vinck
MARSCHALL Tobias IHEID E‑Mail The Image of Remoteness: Alterity and Mobility in Eastern Afghanistan Professeur Alessandro Monsutti
Research Professorial Fellow Till Mostowlansky
MARTI Irene UNINE E‑Mail Living the Prison: An Ethnographic Study of Indefinite Incarceration in Switzerland (working title) Prof. Ellen Hertz 2020
MASTRANGELO Simon UNIL E‑Mail Anthropology « Giving meaning to a life course. Representations and beliefs of Tunisian undocumented migrants (harraga) » Émigrer en quête de dignité Tunisiens entre désillusions et espoirs Prof. Monika Salzbrunn 2017
MATEOC Raluca UNIFR E‑Mail Social Anthropology The everyday memory of collectivization and rural socialism in a Transylvanian countryside Prof. Francois Ruegg 2017
MATHEW Maria Ann IHEID - Perception of Education among Muslims of Kerala Prof. Isabelle Milbert
MEIER Michael UNIZH - "Looking for digital smoke signals" - digital humanitarianism in Indonesia Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks
MELI Thierry UNIBE E‑Mail The nurse, the resident and coloniality of power. Discussing diversity-sensitivity in a Swiss nursing home. Eva Soom-Ammann
MENET Joanna UNINE E‑Mail Mobilität und transnationale soziale Praktiken am Beispiel des Salsatanzes (titre provisoire) Prof. Dr. Janine Dahinden
MISZAK Nick IHEID - Development, land conflicts and the construction of political order in post-2001 Afghanistan Alessandro Monsutti
MOHAMED Akram IHEID E‑Mail migration & development / Anthropology Migration Intermediaries: Implications and Mechanisms on Migrant’s Networks among Pakistani in China (Hong Kong) Alessandro Monsutti
MOOSER Sandra UNIBE E‑Mail Media Anthropology «Look, This Is Us!» - Nollywood-Inspired Migrant Filmmaking in Switzerland Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj
Prof. Michaela Schäuble and Prof. Dr. Kathrin Oester
MORETTI Federica UNIL E‑Mail Anthropology. Research on subversive forms of political expression in super-diverse cities. Prof. Dr. Salzbrunn
MOURTAZINA Ellina UNIL E‑Mail Personal transformations and modern tourism rituals David Picard 2020
MÜLLER Dominik UNIZH E‑Mail Negotiating Islam in the Turkish Diaspora - An Anthropological Perspective on Turkish Muslim Organizations in Switzerland Prof. Peter Finke
Prof. Johannes Quack
NEUHAUS Juliane UNIZH E‑Mail Studying the local state in Papua New Guinea. Prof.Dr. Shalini Randeria, Zürich
Prof.Dr. Bettina Beer, Luzern
NIEDERBERGER Thomas UNIBE E‑Mail Autonomy in the Amazon: the Gobierno Territorial Autonomo de la Nacion Wampis Prof. Tobias Haller
Peter Bille Larsen
NIZARD Caroline UNIL E‑Mail Du souffle au corps. Processus d'apprentissage du yoga entre France et Suisse Prof. Raphaël Rousseleau 2018
NKOMO Melusi IHEID E‑Mail Beliefs, rituals and contemporary capitalism on South Africa’s platinum mines Professor Filipe Calvao
Professor Dunbar T. Moodie
ORVISKA Lucia UNIFR E‑Mail "Social trust and mistrust in the world of wealth." How do they circulate in Central-Eastern Europe and Private banking field. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Ch. Giordano
PANENKA Petra UNILU E‑Mail Food Preferences and Food Choices among the Northern Lacandon Maya, Mexico (working title) Prof. Dr. Bettina Beer
PANWAR Amishi IHEID E‑Mail Private and public cord blood banking and stem cell research/therapy in India Prof. Aditya Bharadwaj
PARSFIELD Matthew UNIZH E‑Mail Spice Chains: Vietnamese star anise and the making of an indigenous commodity Prof Dr Annuska Derks
PERL Gerhild UNIBE E‑Mail Lethal Borders Moralities of violent death in the context of European Union border crossings in Spain. Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser
PERRENOUD Patricia UNIL E‑Mail Helping behaviors around pregnancy and birth: the experience of independent midwifes as a confronting mirror to Evidence Based Practice Ilario Rossi
PETZOLD Aurélien UNINE - La fabrique du genre dans les jeux vidéo en ligne (titre de travail) Prof. Janine Dahinden
PIECEK Monika UNIGE - Politiques de boundary work et l’assurance invalidité suisse Marylène Lieber
Jean-Pierre Tabin
PLUIES Julie UNIL E‑Mail Anthropologie Du souci de soi au souci des autres. La fabrique morale des enfants, des adolescents et de leurs parents au fil de parcours de soins pédopsychiatriques au Maroc Prof. Ilario Rossi / Mark Goodale
Sarra Mougel
RAM LIPIN IHEID E‑Mail Kerala and its Communists: Rethinking Democracy, Violence, and the Political Prof. Shalini Randeria
RANA Divya IHEID E‑Mail Problematic Linear Development Discourse in Practice: Rationality of Traditional Healing Systems Amidst Pluralism of Health Choices in Nepal Prof. V.K. Nguyen
RAUBER Gabriela UNIBE E‑Mail Die Entwicklung der bäuerlichen Familienwirtschaft im Kontext des Strukturwandels in der Schweizer Landwirtschaft Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj
REHSMANN Julia UNIBE E‑Mail A new liver, a new life? Intimate uncertainties and moral economies of transnational liver transplantation in Germany. Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser
REPETTI Marion UNIL E‑Mail L’intégration sociale des retraités comme défi pour le 21ème siècle? René Knüsel
REY Jeanne IHEID E‑Mail Migration and Pentecostalism Yvan Droz
REY Raphaël UNINE E‑Mail Anthropology Constructing asylum narratives in the Swiss procedure: practices and perspectives of asylum seekers Christin Achermann
RICKLI Francesca UNIZH E‑Mail Successful ageing - for all? An Anthropological Study on the Understanding of Excluding Aged People with Disabilities from positive Ageing Paradigms Prof. Dr. Mareile Flitsch
ROCHAT Line UNIL E‑Mail Pratiques de soins, pratiques d accueil. Accueillir les nouveau-nés à risque dans le Service de néonatologie du CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois) à Lausanne Prof. Irene Maffi
ROHNER Tabea UNIZH E‑Mail Urban agriculture and foraging in a postindustrial town in Kazakhstan 2021 or 2022
ROUGEMONT Héloïse UNIGE E‑Mail Sociologie et anthropologie de la connaissance, sciences de l'éducation Le ciment de mes ancêtres. Construction sociale et transmission informelle des Événements et du Destin commun en Kanaky-Nouvelle-Calédonie Marie-Noëlle Schurmans
Bernard Rigo
RUDNICKA Marta UNILU E‑Mail Tastescapes in Ghana. Eating, tasting and culinary praxis in northern Ghana Prof. Bettina Beer
Prof. Till Förster
RUIZ Léone UNINE E‑Mail "LGBTI's migration process" (provisional) Janine Dahinden
SAÏD Ibrahim IHEID E‑Mail Normalization and the production of disciplined Subjects in Israel/Palestine
SANDERS Angela UNINE E‑Mail «Roots becoming Routes»: Migration and Entangled Histories between Peru and Switzerland Prof. Gianni D'Amato, SFM, University of Neuchâtel
Prof. Walter Leimgruber, Universität Basel
SANTSCHI Martina UNIBE E‑Mail Negotationg authority and statehood in Southern Sudan Prof. Hans-Rudolf Wicker, University of Bern
SARECH David UNIL E‑Mail Firmin Oulès et la Nouvelle Ecole de Lausanne Roberto Baranzini
SCHAPIRA Raphael IHEID E‑Mail Anthropologie Good citizens on the mats: Embodying Fadda Brazilian jiu-jitsu in Rio de Janeiro's periphery Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff 2021
SCHERER Mareike UNIZH E‑Mail Biography and Migration: Narratives of the 2nd and 3rd generation (working title) Prof. Dr. Johannes Quack
Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser
SCHICK Marie-Laure UNIL E‑Mail Le recours à la culture dans le champ de la santé. Ethnographie d’un programme de la Croix-Rouge Suisse en Amazonie équatorienne Ilario Rossi
Jean-Pierre Chaumeil
SCHNEIDER-BEAN Sundae UNIBE E‑Mail Exploring Identity Negotiation through Bi-national Married Couples in Switzerland H.R. Wicker (through 2009)
SCHULER Marie-Theres UNIZH E‑Mail Disability and Humanitarian Assistance - Negotiating Aid along Vulnerability Categories in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement Prof. Mareile Flitsch
Prof. Susan Reynolds Whyte
SCHULZ Mascha UNIZH E‑Mail Informal Politics, Cultural Activism and the State in Urban Bangladesh Johannes Quack
SCHWALLER Corinne UNIBE - Navigating Precarity. Fragile Livelihoods, Meanings of Work, and Aspirational Expectations of Highly Educated Young Adults in Barcelona Prof. Heinzpeter Znoj
Prof. Sharryn Kasmir
SCHWERE Raphael UNIZH E‑Mail Interspecies Relatedness in a Disappearing Camel World – An ethnographic study of transforming human-camel relations in Somaliland in the context of social and ecological change Prof. Dr. Mareile Flitsch
Prof. Dr. Gesine Krüger
SEN MOOKERJEE Anuradha IHEID E‑Mail Choosing Citizenship: Investigating the Binary of Inclusion and Exclusion in the Former Border Enclaves in India and Bangladesh Professor Alessandro Monsutti
SIEGL Veronika UNIBE E‑Mail Making a living by making life? Transnational circuits of egg donation and surrogacy between Russia and the European Union Prof. Sabine Strasser
SNIKERSPROGE Ieva IHEID E‑Mail Working Alternatives to capitalism: Factory Take-Overs by Workers and Return to Land in 21st century France Filipe Calvao
Shalini Randeria
STALLONE Sabrina UNIBE E‑Mail Building Gendered Futures Prof. Sabine Strasser
Prof. Luiza Bialasiewicz
STEBLER Joséphine UNIL E‑Mail Quand "apprendre à lire" c'est "perdre l'usage des mots": une anthropologie de la lecture Pr. Thérèse Jeanneret (EFLE)
Dr. Yves Erard
STIEFEL Léa UNIL E‑Mail Infrastructure and Repair and Maintenance Studies (STS) Les Technologies numériques dans le secteur de l’agriculture en Suisse Dominique Vinck
STOCKER Ladina UNIFR E‑Mail Motion at the linguistic border: On the influence of language dominance and language mode on the expression of motion in bilinguals (French-German)
STUCKI Virginie UNIL - Engagement en santé mentale: savoirs, pratiques et critiques durant la seconde moitié du vingtième siècle. Prof. Francesco Panese
SUMARDJONO Ervita UNIBE E‑Mail Indonesian Women in Switzerland Prof. Heinz Peter Znoj
SUN Jin IHEID E‑Mail Sociology and Anthropology of International Law Gregoire Mallard
Shalini Randeria
SUTER REICH Virginia UNIBE E‑Mail Alevi Diaspora in Switzerland and beyond Martin Sökefeld
Julia Eckert
SVATON Carla Jana UNIBE E‑Mail Social Anthropology Die Integrierten: Eine Ethnographie der Übersetzungs- und Inskriptionsprozesse einer "integrativen Volksschule" Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj
Prof. Dr. Ueli Hostettler
TADORIAN Marc UNINE E‑Mail Co-habiter des espaces sociaux transnationaux. Ethno-géo-graphie des mondes du graffiti-writing: suivre les performances de mobilité des adeptes à travers les espaces et le temps Janine Dahinden
TALL Ismaël UNINE E‑Mail Agri-envionmental governance Prof. Jérémie Forney
TCHERMALYKH Nataliya IHEID E‑Mail Art of dissent : performative disobedience, controversial aesthetics and narratives of show-trials on artists within the post-Soviet public sphere Gregoire Mallard
TERRY Cristian UNIL - Anthropology of Art, Anthropology of Tourism, Anthropology of Cultural Heritage Tisser la valeur au quotidien. Une cartographie de l’interaction entre humains et textiles andins dans la région de Cusco à l’heure du tourisme du XXIe siècle Irene Maffi 2019
THIERFELDER Jana UNIBE E‑Mail Challenging interfaces. The epistemic role of design in evolutionary biological knowledge production
TIBET Eda Elif UNIBE E‑Mail Learning, Agency and Freedom; in the lives of the Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Youth in Turkey Prof.Dr Kathrin Oester and Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser
TODISCO Claudio IHEID E‑Mail The Banality of Aid: on Conflict, Humanitarianism and Migration among the Murle of South Sudan Alessandro Monsutti
TUBACH Linda UNIZH E‑Mail Dealing with Uncertainty: Changing strategies, institutions and perceptions among pastoralists in western Mongolia Prof. Dr. Peter Finke
TÜRKMEN Saadet UNIBE - Experience of Health and Illness among Migrants from Turkey in Switzerland Prof. Dr. H.Znoj 2019
VAUCHER Carla UNIL E‑Mail Medical anthropology "Réparer des coeurs, façonner des enfants. Trajectoires d'enfants béninois et togolais bénéficiant d'interventions chirurgicales en Suisse" Prof. Francesco Panese 2023
VETTER Thomas UNINE E‑Mail Re-Assembling Food, Knowledge and Autonomy through Market-Based Agri-Environmental Governance in the UK - A Comparative Ethnography of Social-Ecological Transitions at Small Scales Professeur assistant Jérémie Forney
VIONNET Claire UNIL E‑Mail contemporary dance and anthropology Les ombres en danse contemporaine. Métaphores pour penser le(s) sens de l'expérience du sujet dansant Vincent Barras, Historien du corps, Lausanne
Christina Thurner, Tanzwissenschaftlerin, Bern
VOIROL Jérémie UNIL E‑Mail Les fêtes comme dispositif dynamique d’autodéfinition identitaire autochtone : le cas des Otavalos des Andes équatoriennes Irene Maffi
VOYLOSHNIKOVA Daria UNIFR E‑Mail Ecoregional Governance: Transboundary Environmental Cooperation in the Carpatho-Danubian Basin (working title) Prof. Christian Giordano
VUILLEUMIER Julien UNINE - Alternative agro - food networks: innovative integration of sustainable eating habits and food production? Marion Fresia, extraodinary professor, anthropology institute, University of Neuchâtel 31.12.2016
WASSAN Rafique UNIBE E‑Mail Anthropology of South Asia, Ethnomusicology, Cultural and Critical Heritage Studies Sufi heritage in Sindh: Discourse, Representation and Performance Prof Dr Britta Sweers, Professor of Cultural Anthropology of Music, at the Institute of Musicology, University of Bern 2018
WICKLI Urs Andreas UNIZH E‑Mail Museology; the present and future of ethnographic museums Prof. Dr. Mareile Flitsch, director of the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zurich and Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Zurich
not yet known
WIDMER Manon UNIGE - Chinese studies Les images du mouvement: des usages du langage dans la transmission des gestes martiaux Nicolas Zufferey
Guillemette Bolens
WOHLWEND Wolfgang UNIZH E‑Mail Social Impacts of the Birecik Dam/Southeastern Anatolie Project (GAP) Prof. Peter Finke
Prof. Heinz Käufeler
WUTHRICH Clotilde UNIL E‑Mail Anthropologie de l'art Artistas de Transito. Politiques et narrations de l'histoire dans les arts visuels contemporains de La Havane, Cuba Prof. Irene MAFFI 2016
WYSS Anna UNIBE E‑Mail Lost in Transit? Fragmented Journeys of Young Migrants with no Chances of Admission in Europe Prof. Dr. Christian Joppke
Prof. Dr. Janine Dahinden
ZHANG LINGYU UNIL E‑Mail child psychological abuse in China Antoine Kernen
ZINGG Irène UNIBE E‑Mail Sozialatnhropologie Schulen und mehrsprachige Lebenswelten. Erfahrungen im Umgang mit (il)legitimen Sprachen Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj, Universität Bern, Institut für Sozialanthropologie
Prof. Dr. Yvette Bürki, Universität Bern, Instituto de Lengua y Literaturas Hispánicas